Makeup Palette

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Finally, eliminate the time-sucking trial and error process of guessing which colors flatter your complexion and bring out your natural beauty.

We manually review your consult answers and assign you to one of the twelve seasons. Your COLORCODE® Profile Guide includes an extensive breakdown of your suggested wardrobe and makeup palette.

If you'd like the full 1:1 experience, place your one-time order for a personalized COLORCODE® Consult. We'll collect information about your unique features and preferences using our on-demand digital form.

Take advantage of the free COLORCODE® App. Use the Wardrobe Builder to learn how to build a capsule and wear your season colors. Shop your colors from all your favorite brands inside the Shopping Corner ...and so much more!

step one


Find out which colors look best with your skin tone, hair, and eye color in minutes with the Unlock My True Colors Quiz. Includes a time sensitive BONUS at the end!

Are you feeling like your wardrobe could use a bit of a refresh?